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8 Tips for Productive Gaming: A Guide for Parents and Teachers

August 22, 2024

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In recent years, the popularity of esports and video gaming has surged, becoming an important part of many young people's lives. During the pandemic, video games offered a vital outlet for connection during a time when children and teens faced isolation at home. This digital space enabled them to interact with friends and engage in collaborative play, alleviating feelings of loneliness and boredom. Recent studies show that over 90% of children play video games regularly. This prompts an important question: how can we promote healthy gaming habits to ensure that the time spent in front of screens is productive and fosters positive development? 

To help make gaming educational, here are our eight tips for productive gaming.

Tip 1: Use Gaming as an Incentive

Incorporating video game time as a reward is a great way to boost focus and motivation in students. This can be particularly useful at home, where parents can use gaming time as a reward for children completing their homework and chores. With the clear promise of a reward, kids have a reason to take charge of their responsibilities and to approach their work with more diligence.

Action items for parents:

  • Create a list of daily tasks that must be completed before gaming
  • Calculate gaming time based on how much time was spent on other productive activities

By weaving game time into their routines, parents can enhance motivation and nurture positive habits. When kids know they have something to look forward to after finishing their homework or chores, it creates a positive reinforcement loop that keeps them engaged and productive. This fosters a more balanced lifestyle that integrates responsibilities with leisure, cultivating a valuable skill for life.

Young children playing video games

Tip 2: Predetermine Game & Screen Time

Establishing clear boundaries around gaming and screen time is essential for creating a balanced lifestyle for kids. By setting specific time limits for gaming sessions, parents and educators can help prevent the common struggle of "just one more" game. This structured approach encourages moderation and allows children to enjoy their gaming time without it consuming their entire day. 

Action items for parents:

  • Set specific time limits for gaming sessions to prevent excessive screen time.
  • For round or match-based games, establish a "last call" deadline beyond which they cannot start a new round or match. This should be based on the expected length of a match.
  • Help children develop time management skills by using timers or schedules.

Tip 3: Take Breaks Between Sessions

Promoting regular breaks between gaming sessions is crucial for maintaining both physical health and mental clarity. Some healthy habits to include:

  • Encouraging breaks: Players should step away from their devices for at least as long as they've spent on their screens after each session. 
  • Physical activity: During these breaks, stand up, move around, and do some stretches to help get the blood flowing and relieve physical tension from extended sitting. 
  • Hand and wrist exercises: These can help prevent fatigue and potential injury due to repetitive motion, which can lead to strain over time. Print out our Wrist and Hand Mobility Exercises for Gamers poster for your esports classroom.
  • Eye health: Address the effects of screen time by adopting the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. 
  • Meditation: Take a few minutes during breaks to practice mindfulness or meditation, which can help reduce stress and improve focus among a myriad other benefits.

By practicing these healthy gaming habits, gamers can not only enjoy their screens sustainably but also cultivate a healthier lifestyle that prioritizes well-being.

Cultivate healthy gaming habits. Take frequent breaks, stay active, and do stretches and exercises to prevent repetitive motion injury.

Tip 4: Code Their Own Video Games

Teaching students to code not only equips them with critical technology and problem-solving skills but also fosters creativity by enabling them to design their own video games. Mastery Coding's Game and App Development Pathway offers a comprehensive project-based curriculum where students learn to code while building their own games from scratch in Unity. By mastering a game engine like Unity, students gain the ability to create immersive worlds, diverse characters, and interactive gameplay experiences. This hands-on learning experience teaches students core computer science concepts and opens doors to various career paths in fields such as software development, medicine, and engineering.

To enhance their learning, students should approach their gaming time as research for their own projects. Here are some action items to encourage this analytical approach:

  • Dissect favorite games: Analyze what makes these games captivating and what technologies were used to build them.
  • Identify frustrations: Consider features that lead to player frustration.
  • Suggest improvements: Think about how gameplay could be enhanced or optimized.

By engaging in this process, students will not only develop technical skills but also gain a deeper appreciation for the art of game design. 

Tip 5: Connect Game Mechanics to Math and Statistics

As students play video games, they unknowingly put mathematical concepts into practice — tracking scores, calculating probabilities, and estimating outcomes. This link between gaming and math offers a unique opportunity for educators. By highlighting the mathematical concepts embedded in gameplay, teachers can turn a fun pastime into an engaging educational tool. Imagine a classroom where students:

  • Analyze in-game resources to understand allocation, geometry, and management.
  • Calculate probabilities for informed tactical decisions.
  • Explore statistics to evaluate their performance against competitors.

This approach makes math relevant to students by connecting it to a medium that students enjoy. Encouraging them to articulate their calculations while gaming empowers them to own their skills and boosts their confidence in applying math to real-world scenarios. By framing math as an essential part of gaming, educators can nurture a love for learning in a context that resonates with students.

Through Mastery Coding's GamerMath™ curriculum, students can explore how video game mechanics connect to math concepts, understanding that math can help them grow as gamers.

Connecting math to video games. How Minecraft can help teach geometry.
How many blocks do you need to build a 3 by 4 block wall?

Tip 6: Set Goals

In gaming, setting clear goals is crucial for a mindful approach to play. When students start a session with a specific focus—like improving communication, accuracy, or movement—they engage in a more intentional experience beyond entertainment. This goal-oriented gaming mindset not only boosts their gaming skills but also develops important habits that are useful in various aspects of life. Key elements such as communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking are vital for gamers who want to improve at their game. By helping students set and pursue specific gaming goals, we empower them to embrace challenges and realize their potential.

  • Define clear objectives: Encourage students to identify what they want to achieve in each gaming session.
  • Reflect on progress: After gaming, have students assess their performance regarding their goals.
  • Encourage teamwork: Promote collaborative gaming experiences where communication and collaboration are key to success.
  • Celebrate milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate achievements to motivate students and reinforce the value of goal-setting.

Tip 7: Find a Community

Gaming is rarely solitary; it's a collaborative activity where students can build strong friendships and foster a sense of belonging. By joining gaming communities, students can connect with others who share their passion, forming meaningful relationships.

  • Encourage students of appropriate age to join gaming communities like online forums, Discord servers, or local gaming clubs where they can connect with fellow gamers.
  • Promote team esports by organizing school tournaments or joining k-12 esports leagues that foster bonds and teamwork among participants. Consider joining the US Academic Esports League, a league focused not only on competitive gaming but also on academic success and SEL.
  • Highlight the importance of celebrating victories together through award ceremonies or recognition events for winning teams.

Giving students access to a collaborative environment enriches their gaming experience and helps them develop essential social skills like teamwork, communication, and empathy. Engaging with gaming communities empowers them to form connections beyond the digital world, enriching their lives and creating lasting friendships.

Kids playing video games together.

Tip 8: Review and Analyze Their Performance

For aspiring esports players, reflection is a powerful tool distinguishing the good from the great. Encouraging students to review and analyze their gameplay not only sharpens their gaming skills but also instills a growth mindset that transcends the digital realm. Video On Demand (VOD) reviews provide an invaluable platform for this reflective practice. By recording their gameplay sessions, students can revisit key moments, identify mistakes, and assess their decision-making processes.

To conduct a thorough VOD review, students should focus on specific aspects, including:

  • Gameplay Mechanics: Observe how well the basic gameplay functions are executed.
  • Strategy Execution: Analyze the effectiveness of strategies used during play.
  • Teamwork Dynamics: Evaluate collaboration and communication within the team.

Steps for Effective VOD Review:

  1. Initial Viewing: Watch the footage without biases—simply observe.
  2. Critical Moment Analysis: Identify key moments where different decisions could have changed the game's outcome. Discuss what worked and what didn’t.

This method not only reinforces goal-oriented gaming but also cultivates mindfulness—students become aware of their actions, enabling them to approach future challenges with better tactical thinking. By learning to critically evaluate their performances, students become more resilient and adaptable, honing their ability to learn from both successes and setbacks.


Many students are passionate about gaming, presenting a unique opportunity for parents and educators. We have a responsibility to channel this interest into fostering positive gaming habits and encouraging constructive gameplay.

By implementing effective strategies for productive gaming, we can boost student engagement, teach them essential life skills, and enhance their learning experiences. Putting the tips above into practice ensures that gaming contributes positively to student growth and overall well-being.


Peter Polygalov

Peter oversees the creation and integration of the marketing department’s content, assets, ads, campaigns, and outreach. He has been with Mastery Coding from the very start and is here to use his marketing skills to make sure your school gets the positive attention and support it deserves.

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